on October 18th the presidents of the national Kennel Clubs adhering to the WDF world system will meet and the future of dog lovers will…
institutional communications
All the members of the federation have agreed together to be respectful and vigilant for the conservation of the cynological heritage of dog breeds, and…
It is now a certainty, the thick personalities of the world of entertainment, sport and politics want the best when choosing a puppy, and the…
In order to distinguish itself from the other entities, the federation has chosen to follow a path of uniqueness thus formalizing its own breed standards,…
The A.I.D. is starting to be active in the various Kennel Clubs that have chosen progress, this software with artificial intelligence allows thanks to its…
the new statute of the WDF was finally deposited and the ministerial registration obtained, which recognizes the federation with full right to operate worldwide for…
Hi everyone, I would like to clarify a question that perhaps some have misunderstood due to poor disclosure on our part of the subject, let’s…