The Ukrainian Club now in the process of closure is officially expelled from the WDF system due to inconsistency of actual documentation attributable to a canine registry, for almost a year the board of directors has tried to help the club in difficulty according to the political problem that is living in his country, but the numerous refusals to accept help and support from the other member countries alerted the board which carried out its investigations, and we ascertained that the non-existence of a real canine register was only one of the secrets of the Ukrainian association, numerous violations have occurred and the disciplinary committee has resolved for an expulsion with immediate effect of the club, also because, hiding behind continuous excuses, it has continued to operate in contrast with the regulations on the genetic protection of dog breeds continuing to issue certificates that have been found to be non-compliant with the federation’s issuance rules, personally reproducing untested subjects and using the club to formalize personal sales work, thus entering a conflict of interest scheme.
to date all certificates issued by the AKU club will not be considered valid and recognized by the system.