After 18 months of exhausting work, the brand new A.I.D. system has finally been completed. 2.0 the data collection system of the Canine Registry of the Club which will replace the old A.I.D. 1.3, which with great merit has done its job very well and has managed to support its long 9 years of database, with constant updates and annual restyling has accompanied us in the long growth path of the club, but with the brand new regulations and the activating the WDF genetic health worldwide project we were forced to design an innovative system, not only to keep up with the times but to completely change the type of approach to the data management mechanism, to create a direct connection with the other member countries.
The new A.I.D. database system in fact, it will make the management of data and the exchange of information between the member countries of the system simpler and even faster and more secure, to avoid the loss of very important information in the genealogies of the canine subjects registered in the database.
The evolution consists of very new application technologies to the system, work algorithms that offer a pleasant experience of use, and an artificial intelligence that will ensure that the rules and regulations of selected breeding are applied everywhere, in fact it will be impossible to force the system to enter false information, such as consanguinity, reproduction checks, automatic assignment of DNA filing codes, attribution of registration number to explanatory registers, checks, tests, filings, championships, work trials, patents, titles, all entered in the inside the genealogies without the slightest risk to the data.
The countries that are currently already testing its functions say they are satisfied with the potential of the software, which is not yet fully operational, in fact further expansions and upgrades will soon be uploaded which will allow brand new digitization functions of all club documentation, a step forward therefore also in environmental protection.
Its online presentation soon also for breeder user interfaces who will be able to carry out simple searches always in full autonomy and with the utmost respect for sensitive information based on the laws in force on privacy.

Finalmente.. 🤩. Come
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